Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 3

Another exciting week in first grade down!

While learning about God, what He gives us, and why He is good, we read The Our Father and talked about what all of those fancy, old words meant :)

We also did another fun math project together! The day before the project, we started to learn the concept of "getting rid of extra information" in a math word problem. The book had us circling in red, crossing out in blue, underlining in orange... Ahhhh it was too much! So we decided to try again the next day and work together to figure it out! Students were each given a sentence of a word problem. They had to find their group (by color) and put their sentences in order. They then had to read the problem together and take away the extra information! Once they did, they reread the problem and solved it! We traded sentences and were able to do 3 problems in small groups before discussing all together! It made so much more sense today!

Another day this week, we reviewed "number order"! The students were each given a number card that showed 3 representations of the number. They had to walk around, talk to one another, and find their sequence of numbers! After they found their correct bunch, they had to put themselves in order with the rest of the numbers, lowest to highest! Great work and great teamwork!!!

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