Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week 7

We have some exciting highlights from this week!

In science, we are learning about living vs. nonliving things. The beginning of our chapter reminded us about our 5 senses and that we use them to learn about the world around us! On Thursday, I decided to give everyone's taste buds a test! 
I'm sure you've heard by now that I tricked them pretty well (or tricked them pretty bad, I guess it's open to interpretation!) 

We started by turning off our sense of sight so that our other senses were heightened. We really tried to focus on the areas of our tongue that have the specific taste buds for salty, sweet, sour and bitter. We started with salty potato chips!

Followed those up with sour candy!

And then came the mean taste test :/ It's true it was chocolate... but unsweetened baker's chocolate! I guarantee they'll never forget what bitter tastes like! (Slash, I'm sorry).

And of course, we immediately followed up with a sweet :) 

See!? They didn't stay mad for long!

The next day, we had so many visitors!!! Our prayer partners came to interview them about their favorite book. Everyone had such great answers and used so much of what we have learned about stories to answer their prayer partners' questions! Mrs. Molloy and I were very proud :)

You can look for these 2 on the afternoon announcements Friday, September 26th!!! They will be sharing their interview with all of you and the school!

After Mass, 8th grade came down to share a project about climate zones and habitats they had completed with Ms. Moore and Mrs. Pasko! Each group presented their short video about an animal that had gotten lost and was trying to find their way back to the correct climate zone they lived in. They met some silly friends along the way :) We really enjoyed learning from them and spending time with them, too!

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